(EXEA TOPIC) The Future of Remote Working

by Dongsoo Kim

Posted on January 05, 2023

** This is a topic for english debating club EXEA (2023/01/07) written by Dongsoo Kim(Me)**

0. Intro


I read interesting studies about remote working and many of surveys say people can achieve higher efficiency and productivity while they experienced remote work. However, I wonder whether it is right way to evalute the effect of remote work. Because many people might confuse their productivity in life with a productivity in a work. There are obviously pros and cons in remote work, and this is really hot potato not just in business field but also in our life.

1. How was your remote work?

Let’s share your experience of remote work and talk about what were goods and bads. (If you don’t have any experience, you can imagine and share the expected result.)

2. Remote work gives us a Freedom. Is this freedom controllable?

The reason people are crazy about remote work would be related to “Freedom”. Is this freedom controllable? Or should it be controlled?

3. How do you think of 100% Remote work?

4. Return to the conventional office work?

Once the pandemic is somehow settled down, many companies trying to get back to conventional office work. However, people who already got used to the freedom of remotework, it seems there are some hurdles for transition. What are those hurdles and what would be the possbile solutions?

5. Not allowing remote work according to the positions or to the personal work style can be discrimination?

6. In the future, do you believe the minimum remote work hour can be regaulated as a labor law just like minimum wage or maximum labor hours?

———————–Here is the draft in Korean———————-

  1. 원격근무를 해본 경험이 있는가? 있다면 본인이 겪었던 장점과 단점을 나눠보자

  2. 원격근무에 열광하는 이유는 더 커진 “자유”라는 키워드와 연결될 수 있다. 이러한 자유는 통제가 필요하다고 생각하는가? 어떻게 통제할 수 있을까?

  3. 본인은 100% 리모트워크를 어떻게 생각하는가?

  4. 과도기에 있어 원격근무와 텔레워크를 병행하거나 자주 전환하는 과정을 볼 수 있다. 하지만 한번 자유를 누리면 자유를 잊기 쉽지 않다. 주변에서도 이 전환이 이직사유가 되는 경우도 심심치않게 보곤 한다. 원활한 전환 과정을 위해 매니저와 직원들은 어떻게 대처해야할까?

  5. 직군에 따라, 혹은 사람의 근무 방식에 따라 리모트워크를 허용하고 허용하지 않는 것은 차별이라고 볼 수 있는가?

  6. 최저임금이나 노동시간제한과 같이, 추후 리모트워크가 보편적 복지로서 노동법적으로 최소 리모트워크 보장시간이 규정될 수 있다고 보는가?

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