2023 Goals

by Dongsoo Kim

Posted on January 17, 2023


  • 81kg > 76kg
  • GCP Master
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Why not cashless, cardless

by Dongsoo Kim

Posted on January 09, 2023

  • Will be translated after working on the details -
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(EXEA TOPIC) The Future of Remote Working

by Dongsoo Kim

Posted on January 05, 2023

** This is a topic for english debating club EXEA (2023/01/07) written by Dongsoo Kim(Me)**

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Business Model behind Gamified Education

by Dongsoo Kim

Posted on November 23, 2022

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Why Books are Here to Stay

by Dongsoo Kim

Posted on April 09, 2022

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by Dongsoo Kim

Posted on March 15, 2021


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Global IT Diplomat, Yeah, That's me!

Global communication, technology, and delivering right services to customers are keys for making better future.

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