About Me

I would like to describe myself with 3 keywords, 'GLOBAL' 'IT' 'DIPLOMAT'.

"Global", I have various global experiences such as Model United Nations, exchange student in Miami University, international marketing, and until now, I have been moderating English debating session for several years. I am fluent in Japanese, English and of course, Korean.

"IT", Inspired by platfrom business model and digital transformation in banking system, I started my career as a developer. At the moment, I am application engineer in Japan and involved in several web developing projects. Mainly Java with SpringFramework, but I also have strong interest in cloud platform services such as AWS, GCP.

"Diplomat", I have excellent skill in communication and negotiation. Not only I literally studied international laws and economics for several years to become diplomat, but also I have experience a lot of communities, customer services, and consultings.

As a Global IT Diplomat, I am always aiming for delivering excellent technical support and services to customers in order to make their business more efficient,
and eventually, make the better world

Resume PDF


I have been asking this question to myself for several years. As I studies Business as my major, I found the answer from the efficiency in business. By providing better services with efficient management and proper costs, and by giving people an opportunities to invest, work, and trade, people can experience properous life.

I also strongly believe that digital transformation and technology are the key sources for better future. When I was involved in designing a financial platform at bank, I saw the potential of digital transformation in banking system, and platform creating a whole new ecosystem to change the way of business.

Last but not least, Community and human network. I always say, "The era of person studying and growing alone has ended." Within several communities such as book review club, english debating club, code review, tech talk club, I could experience the rapid growth more than I have ever experienced. Not only I broaden my perspectives, but it also give me motivations and effective way to enhance skills. We all grow together.

Global IT Diplomat, Yeah, That's me!

Global communication, technology, and delivering right services to customers are keys for making better future.

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